Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I recently noticed that on Yahoo! news that Justin Bieber has been accused of fathering a child.

For one, that woman is crazy and should face charges of allegations and slander.

For two, as I scrolled down the comments section, I kept seeing the same thing: how can he father anything? Isn't he a girl?

Now, I as much as the next person do not like Justin Bieber. I don't like his music, but I don't know him enough as a person to say that I don't like him personally. Which is the same thing that I can say for the other people calling him gay and fag and what not. He, like the rest of us 7 billion (wow that is a lot of people) are just living out their lives. He just has to deal with more drama than others. In the matter of this 19 year old saying that they got busy in a public restroom at the Staples Center is just pathetic, and she, like the rest of the poor idiots out there are just looking for a quick 15 seconds of fame.

Justin, just take the paternity test and move on, showing that even though I don't like your music you are still gonna be passionate about it. Don't fall into the hype.

I can't believe that I just defended the tween heartthrob. But I would rather defend him than stupid fame whores.

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