Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh the hard workings just to earn a dollar a day...

Do not get me wrong. I love my job. Switching from being a tutor supervisor to an actual office assistant has to be the best change I have made since the beginning of my senior year.

The ability to actually feel useful (and by useful I mean knowing what I need to do versus trying to go around math problems that I had no clue of solving) puts me into a great mood. It's sort of like when a person finds their calling and all that the body says to you is this is what you have been called to do.

I'm not saying I would like to be an office assistant until I retire. I would much rather call the shots and have people work beneath while I take on more of the responsibility. It just feels right that instead of waiting to feel needed I am actually needed. I am needed to file papers, organize folders, cover the front desk (which I have to say it's not hard unless I get stumped by a question that a caller gives me. Women need to learn to appreciate a desk job in my opinion).

I love my job so far. And I love how it is going to prepare me for what new jobs lie ahead for me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Second day went....

Well in the workforce and classes (so excited for screenwriting class!). But the one thing that I had trouble with was my friend Michelle. She is a beautiful person but her punctuality is a little off.

But in the end, the quest for a book $5 less than the price and annotated for me will be a good investment... At least I hope it was.

Monday, September 26, 2011

First day of school

The first day of school had been a hectic one. I started my job as an office assistant while also going back to the old one as a tutor supervisor to make sure everything was going well without a hitch. My new tutor supervisor was appropriate in presenting the students with syllabi and I found that I finish everyday at 6 in the afternoon, leaving my afternoons free as the cloudless sky!

If there is one thing that I was going crazy over, it was setting up the schedules for math tutors. But it was all resolved and by the end of the day I had a happy boss.

So far so good, now I just have to see how the rest of the week turns out. ;)