Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Through the eyes of a Fat Chick

Valentine's day. The day where cupid kick starts your hormonal engines into overdrive and forces you to secrete all these lovey dovey toxins.

That's if you are in a relationship. If not, then you secrete a different kind of emotion based solely on the fact that you are single: rage.

Which is strange. Why should the plus or minus of a person in your life ruin one day out of 365 (or in this case 366 because it's a leap year)?

I for one am single, but I feel far from forever alone memes imply. I have family that love me everyday, friends that show affection towards me and not to mention my own selfishness in brashly explaining that-case in point- I love myself.

I think that having all these other people extradite all this love around me brings happier times. It makes me have that faith in humanity because there is still love in the world. Can you imagine a life without love? Go watch Moulin Rouge and see what they have to say.

I love seeing love. I love the fact that people are in love. I don't like seeing people make out in the broad daylight. That is a much different type of love that has a more erotic aspect. I love seeing the couples holding hands. The small smiles they direct towards one another. The simple gestures of gentlemen acting chivalrous and the women daintily thanking them with a simple look. I love seeing those types of romantics out on the streets because that is a true example of a loving couple. They don't have to be all over each other to show that they love each other. They show it discreetly, as if that look is meant only for the one that they are with.

I don't believe that by having a relationship it would make you blissful and happy through all your days. If that is all that you have going for you, set your priorities in a different order. Don't breathe for another person; breathe for yourself. Be selfish and take the other's air supply because when it comes down to it, you are going to want it when the going gets tough *cough* ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE *cough*

I don't think of me as being cynical or neurotic on such a festive day. I just don't believe that you need one day to show a person that you love them. I tell my mom and dad (when I see him) that I love them. I don't need a day to tell me that. She pushed me out of her lady parts and he gave me my body type. I have to show that I love them everyday. And my sisters and my brother and my cousins and my nieces and nephews and whatnot. I love telling them and showing them how much I love them. I can't get enough sloppy kisses from my dogs. The wagging of their tails.

And don't push me in the closet just yet because I feel like I can go on forever right now. Love, to me, is unconditional. I love being in relationships but I won't make it the highlight of my life because there are other things that are far more important. I have school, I have work, I have friends. I'm not trying to make an excuse for myself but to add a relationship on top of everything that I have would just mean no time for me. And as I mentioned before I am one selfish being.

But would I like that special someone to bring me flowers or just a card or even just a hug accompanied by a kiss? Of course I would, who wouldn't?

But, I don't. And again, not killing myself over not having a boyfriend. I don't believe that I have found that person that gives me butterflies as well as goosebumps. That can trigger my mind with questions as well as trigger other parts of my body. I haven't met that person that makes me look at the world and say, "You are the nicest thing I have ever seen." I still haven't found what I am looking for. Not even sure that I will find it anytime soon. But I'm not depressed because I won't have someone to share all this love that I have for others. I will just give it away as I go throughout the day, and continue writing points of view revolving around what I consider important or not.

To all you singles out there. I love you. Happy singles awareness day. Take time in finding that special someone or stop looking so they can find you.

For the couples, happy Valentines day. Show them how much you love them without it losing a PG rating. Honestly no one wants to see that in public. We like to watch our porn behind closed doors.

For the haters, grow up. It's just another day. You don't like the smooching couples, look away. I'm sure if you stare at the sky you won't find anybody making out. Unless you see a cloud shaped like one.

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