Sunday, October 30, 2011

A word to the wise for those that like to blog on the go from their mobile devices and have this app called the BlogPress app: do not define anything. It just crashed on me as I was trying to see if rebuke would have been an appropriate term in a certain sentence (which totally would have, now that I think about it) and now I have to start again from scratch. Luckily for me, I don't remember what I wrote so I get to retype everything as if it never was! (did you note the sarcasm?)

I was talking about my service learning (community service that is involuntary voluntary) and about the man that I am working with for my service learning, a Cuban born Spaniard I called him, which makes me agreeable to the witty use of ethnicities (born in Spain, raised in Cuba, just giving out a clarification).

I gave a little detail into his life and how well he has been off career wise, family wise, education wise. To say that he is a well rounded 80 year old is putting it delicately.

He is proficient in his piano skills and wishes to teach me, as something to remember him by he says. I am willing to learn from anyone at this point. I always wanted to learn, but due to a families lack of understanding in the arts, this has proven to be difficult. They sure appreciate it, but they don't have that strong want to greater understand it.

I have been waiting for at least half hour, and plan to wait just a few minutes more before that febreeze wannabe contraption to my right squirts again, making me jump more than when the elevator dings that it has reached the 16th floor and my head props up from whatever I am typing to see if the person that pops out is Dr. Morales.

Still dings, still nothing.

Just 20 more minutes.

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