Monday, March 05, 2012

I had a dream last night.

I can't say that it was a happier time, because the life that I am currently living is fun and happy too. But it did make me feel nostalgic. Nostalgic because it was how it used to be when I was a freshman in college, up to where I was a junior.

It was during those times because I was talking with people that I have not seen since that time. Believe me it was interesting to see those faces again.

It was my birthday party and we were celebrating in the garage like we always do. Everyone of my friends that were close to me were there. There was the one that didn't have a baby yet, one that wasn't pregnant. The ones that were still talking to each other, and the underage drinking going around.

When my other two friends came over, I knew I was dreaming. These two have not talked to each other in years. That's how I knew that I was dreaming. He was smiling and holding a poorly gift wrapped object while the other one smiled somberly and handed me a smaller present. The happiness upon seeing both of them still talking was the last thing I remember.

It made me reminisce about the old times, when I would tell people, "Hey, movie night at my place you in?" and everyone would be running down the street or driving up in their cars getting ready to veg out on the couch and just enjoy a movie.

My only question is, where did that urge to hang out go? Where did the friendship go? Is this what happens when you grow up?

It makes me sad more than anything, because I really do love hosting movie nights and seeing old faces. I just miss that.

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