Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A man's world...

Today in Physical Education class, we got into the universal topic of men vs. women. Who was the superior race and what not. A bunch of words were thrown back and forth and it got me thinking: do I myself, wish that I was a man? Would I be more content as being a man?
Well, it's not easy being a woman. I mean you have to clean, cook, raise children, please the husband, work, be everything that many others lack. Have patience, be respectful, mindful of what you say, try to overcome in a man's world.
Would it be easier to be a man? To be overpowering on women, making babies without taking care of them? To be able to do things like stay out until the next morning because there is nothing at stake? Sure. I'm sure that it would be easier to not have to worry about putting on make up and doing my hair to look pretty and wear clothing that would attract a mate. I wouldn't even have to work hard at a relationship because when I get tired of the woman in my life, I could just get up and leave. Being a man means not having to worry about anything, except themselves. Selfish beings we all are, men and women, but the main difference is, women have to stop with the selfishness the minute life grows inside of them, because unlike a man, a child is a life brought into this world at the expense of the word love. And wishing nothing but the best is what a mother needs to do, not should do. NEEDS TO.
But deep down, no matter how easy it is to be a man, I think it's a blessing in disguise to be a woman. We have it hard, that much is true, but we also have something that man can never attain: perseverance. The strength to overcome a man in this man's world. To not just be a woman trying to survive, it's to want to live and prove that we are all equals in this world.
I am Woman, hear me roar with an intensity that shakes the very fabric of sexism.

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