Monday, July 06, 2009

Come 'ere!

La Sierra University is the school I have decided to enrich my mind further as my years go by. I love the school that I chose to attend, which is the honest truth. It may hold a different religion than what I do, it may be super strict, and it may be minutes away from my house, but it is small, the people are very friendly and the teachers do care, and remember your name. I made new friends as I struggled with my old ones identifying classes, and borrowing books. And carpooling for a while since when I started I didn't have a car. I made good friends and kept strong relationships with a few of my proffessors which had to be one smart move.

Now time for the scales to be unbalanced once again. My school now is offering free (yes free.) iPods to students that are coming into the school. I have to say I wish I would have waited to come if I would have known that they were planning on giving away free stuff. I'm not planning on throwing those little children fits that happen in the middle of the store because they want candy. I just want to know why it is that my school will go so far to give away free iPods to students that probably already have one, instead of using that money for something more effective. Effective among the lines of lower tuition, better pay to the proffessors, classes, something for the entire student body even. It is just so annoying to see what some schools will go through to round up students. Sometimes it things like this that make me wanna say "ummm, yeah thats my school" and while I am uttering those words put my head down in embarrasment.

Gotta say it sure shows how much my school loves their incoming students, its like the iPod is covering all the tuition bills that will come in the mail soon after you laid your fingers on it. I say that they love their incoming students because they did the same to me, a bunch a scholarships minus the iPod. And that is what they do. It's like a free sample, you taste it and as you savor it, it draws you to want to buy the big packet, because of the delicious morsel that stained your tongue.

All I have to say is that I hope my school doesn't try anything else to make me want to huff and puff about, or else I take my money elsewhere! I don't really know where though. :P

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