Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lost and Found

Things, people included, can disappear out of your life within the blink of an eye. I should know... I have seen it many times with friends and with artifacts (like my favorite socks, my Esmerelda watch I got when I passed the third grade, a pair to another pair of shoes). But when something that you have deemed a lost cause comes back to you, like it has with me, it gets me all hopeful and cheery for some weird reason.

Like my Winnie the Pooh keychain. I lost his cute little bucket and he has been naked for at least a good week or 2. And just a couple seconds ago as I was locking up my car and ready to go to class his little blue plastic bucket stood out like a sore thumb against the midnight blacktop. I felt as though it was waiting there all along, and was just waiting for me to save it from further tire marks and people stepping on it.

It gave me a sense of happyness... Like it was something that was bound to me and no matter how lost it would get it would find it's way back to me one way or another.

Makes me stay hopeful that those I have lost touch with will slowly intertwine their threads back with me. After all, no matter what has happened we are still combined one way or another.

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