Monday, February 11, 2013

One of the things that many people don't tell you is that when you have a lot of free time, and I mean a lot, you don't really want to do anything. Or maybe that's just my point of view.

I have been dedicated to reading 50 books in 52 weeks, but I am a bit behind, but three books are notched down, and I have 47 more to go. One of the books on my list is to read all of the Game of Thrones, and some classical novels I say I have read, but truthfully have not.

Another is the learning Japanese aspect. They say when in Japan, you'll catch on quick, but it still hasn't stuck that well. That could also be from this apparent ADD that I have acquired.

Just anything in general that involves typing something onto something else, or reading or studying, has left me.

And it's time to pick it up again.

God, even a game to keep me entertained is that too much to ask for brain!?

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