Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last Official Work Day

My boss came up to me to tell me that it was my last day today. Is this what it feels like to be let go or to be fired? It is ridiculously unfathomable. Like I cannot picture not coming back into work because it was so routine. I feel as though I am supposed to be rolling in tomorrow but I know that I can't. It's not like I can't come to visit, but I won't be working, therein lies the difference.

It seems surreal. Like this is just another day, even though it is my final day. Truthfully, I was hoping to work tomorrow and have tomorrow be my last day, versus having today be and ultimately cut abruptly short of just one day.

I don't feel like crying, I don't feel much of anything really. I cleaned out my folders where I stored things and had my boss tell me that she would need the keys to the drawers in her office. Again, just doesn't seem plausible. Like I will have another person come in and take over from where I left off in the Fall quarter. But I still don't seem to constrict in a general sense.

I will miss my coworkers, my boss, my other boss. Working the front desk and answering the telephone calls. Basically I will miss being an office assistant. And now I just wonder:

What am I going to do now?

I still have a Japan interview coming up, I still am waiting to hear from an Academic Advising position that my friend put in the good word for me. But as far as I am in life, I have no idea. Doesn't really scare me, it just leaves me wondering into different portals with the same constant thought:

What now?

1 comment:

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